Classroom Management
My main strategy for classroom management is to set behavioral expectations early and be proactive in preventing disruptions before they occur. Since I came into the classroom mid-year, I followed my mentor teachers behavioral expectations and enforced them as the students were used to. Some steps that were taken to help prevent disruptive behavior included assigned (and consistent) seating arrangements, setting up all materials needed for the days activities in advance, and providing a clear outline of the days goals for the students to see.
When disruptive behavior starts to occur in the classroom, there are a number of steps I take to deescalate it. These steps include walking around the room during instruction, having students move seats, redirecting off-task behavior, and giving varied levels of warnings. Another way to both prevent and end disruptive behavior is to reward good behaviors. One way that my elementary mentor teacher and I rewarded good behavior was a system called Band Room Bingo. The bingo board (shown below) provides a list of good behaviors and practices that we want our students to do. When we see the class exhibiting one of these good behaviors, they get that square checked off which gets them one step closer to bingo and a reward. If the class gets a bingo in one class period, they get to choose a reward from the list like stickers, playing a fun music game, or watching a cool music related video.